New features for Springpad

I've posted about Springpad before, and a good service is now even better. Springpad has added post by e-mail. Check your settings to get your personal Springpad email address, but here is most of what they provide in Settings:

Save anything to Springpad by sending an email to from the email address on your account, or use the personal email address to send something from any email address.

Send a note or link to Springpad to save it, or to be more specific send with a subject line like this: Type: title @notebook #tag

For example: "Task: Pickup Drycleaning @Stuff to do this weekend #chores #household"

When audio geeks attack . . .

OK. I'm exaggerating a bit, but the following link regarding comparisons of lossy audio codecs (from 2007) should give the uninitiated a taste of the near religious zeal that can color any discussion of the interface between physical science/engineering and the human experience. If you like the drama of reality TV and want to learn something about the technology behind the music you listen to, this is the tread for you!

iPad 2

Just a link for the lazy, and an observation:  Apple wants big lines for the release of the iPad 2. No online pre-orders . . . or at least not yet. Apple's online store says it will start taking orders on March 11 - the same day you can get the iPad 2 from your local Apple store. Boo!


alternativeTo is sort of the Internet’s version of a thesaurus. It attempts to show apps that are similar to the app you search on. As such, this is a very handy tool for any knowledge worker.

For example, I recently posted a story about Springpad to my blog. alternativeTo has an entry for Springpad. It correctly lists Evernote, Microsoft Office's OneNote and even a personal favorite - DEVONthink; but no Diigo. So. It is not perfect, but still useful.